The plugin looks great. But is there any problem with the imported brushes ? I created brushes on photoshop (500x500px), when i try to import, nothing works and AE crashes after a while. Can't figure out if it is a reccurent problem on paint & stick or if it is my configuration... ?!
Paint & Stick effect isn't showing up inside AE 2019 on windows. Installer sees 2019 but no effect showing. There is no manual install option I can see. Using latest builds of both AE and P&S. What is wrong?
Update: I ran the trial version installer and it worked. There must be something wrong with the download link from the paid one maybe?
Paint & Stick effect isn't showing up inside AE 2019 on windows. Installer sees 2019 but no effect showing. There is no manual install option I can see. Using latest builds of both AE and P&S. What is wrong?
Update: I ran the trial version installer and it worked. There must be something wrong with the download link from the paid one maybe?
Just a heads up to say the trial zip file contains v2.0.1 rather than the latest one. When I try to update it just sends me to the same page on the website.
Just a heads up to say the trial zip file contains v2.0.1 rather than the latest one. When I try to update it just sends me to the same page on the website.
Just checked and the trial downloads the latest version. If you need assistance please open a support ticket
I'd like to know if there is any way to collect files that have been use in the project and delete others that finally haven't been. Because in some project, Files can take looooots of memory on the computer.
I'd like to know if there is any way to collect files that have been use in the project and delete others that finally haven't been. Because in some project, Files can take looooots of memory on the computer.
When saving a project P&S will remove unused file references from the project. So collecting a saved project will collect only the used files.
How can we change destination of the paint & stick frame location. I have hundreds of layer with paint & stick. I cannot do this one after one... is there something automatic somewhere ?
Painting is extremely slow and laggy. I already saw your FAQS but everything seems to be properly setted. 8bpc, fast draw, draw on a solid, working in half (or even third) quality... in a normal 1080p comp. I dont know if it's related but when I close AE after using P&S, i get this error "After Effects error: string memory leak (82 :: 2). this only happens after using P&S. I tried it in two different PCs
$99 for an app full of bugs, good job! Sometimes you lost all your strokes, sometimes it does not refresh previous/future strokes, sometimes I just want to crash my f**** Cintiq to the wall!
$99 for an app full of bugs, good job! Sometimes you lost all your strokes, sometimes it does not refresh previous/future strokes, sometimes I just want to crash my f**** Cintiq to the wall!
$99 for an app full of bugs, good job! Sometimes you lost all your strokes, sometimes it does not refresh previous/future strokes, sometimes I just want to crash my f**** Cintiq to the wall!
$99 for an app full of bugs, good job! Sometimes you lost all your strokes, sometimes it does not refresh previous/future strokes, sometimes I just want to crash my f**** Cintiq to the wall!
The tutorials keep referring to the website--eg. et brushes from their website. Or for more information, see our website. But I can't find their website. Can you provide a link for it? Thanks.
The tutorials keep referring to the website--eg. et brushes from their website. Or for more information, see our website. But I can't find their website. Can you provide a link for it? Thanks.
AE paint tool detects my Huion Kamvas' pressure sensitivity, but not Paint and Stick. I realize that only Wacom tablets are supported right now. However, do you have any plans to make it as universally compatible, like AE's native paint tool?
I was wondering if any progress has been made with Element 3d models. I saw that you created a nice workaround tutorial on Youtube a few years back, commenting that there is an active project to make the integration with E3D and Paint & Stick more seamless.
AE paint tool detects my Huion Kamvas' pressure sensitivity, but not Paint and Stick. I realize that only Wacom tablets are supported right now. However, do you have any plans to make it as universally compatible, like AE's native paint tool?
Sorry, but at this time we have no plans of supporting other tablets than Wacom.
I was wondering if any progress has been made with Element 3d models. I saw that you created a nice workaround tutorial on Youtube a few years back, commenting that there is an active project to make the integration with E3D and Paint & Stick more seamless.
Thank you for your time
Sorry to say there is not, that would require cooperation from Video Copilot to create an Element render pass for Paint & Stick.
Just a heads up: Wacom tablets are the only ones supported with no current plans to provide universal support, so if you don't use a Wacom tablet, you'll need to find another option. Great plugin otherwise. The lack of universal tablet compatibility is a pretty big issue if you are wanting to do any kind of hand drawn or cell-style animation. They really should mention this in the "compatibility" tab, instead of having tucking away in a brief mention within a knowledgebase line item. Could be a great plugin for animators, however, universal tablet compatibility--like AE's native paint tool already has--is a big deal.
I am coming across and issue where I have used the Exporter script to bring in my Photoshop brushes, but when I "Set Brush Folder" and pick my brushes folder nothing populates in the brushes palette. I've tried all my different brush folders and nothing works.
Please help because I am unable to use this product and I've already purchased it!
I am coming across and issue where I have used the Exporter script to bring in my Photoshop brushes, but when I "Set Brush Folder" and pick my brushes folder nothing populates in the brushes palette. I've tried all my different brush folders and nothing works.
Please help because I am unable to use this product and I've already purchased it!
Love the product, especially the custom brush feature is amazing. Just wondering is there any way to manipulate the images, like move, rotate or distort them like in Photoshop? I haven't found a way to do it apart from keying the respective property on the layer. It'll be awesome to include some basic imagery manipulation tool in the plug-in.
Love the product, especially the custom brush feature is amazing. Just wondering is there any way to manipulate the images, like move, rotate or distort them like in Photoshop? I haven't found a way to do it apart from keying the respective property on the layer. It'll be awesome to include some basic imagery manipulation tool in the plug-in.
The images are PNG format. So you can import them into After Effects, or Photoshop, manipulate them, then save new PNGs back to the same brush folder, or overwrite them. You can also stamp the brush one time in After Effects, manipulate it in After Effects, then with Paint & Stick selected, press CTRL(CMD on Mac) + SHIFT + ALT + click. This will screen capture the brush while hovering over the altered version. This will screen capture from within a square, and save it to disk as a new brush. This isn't exactly what you wanted, but is an easy workaround to modify your brushes with tools you already have.
Doesn't work for me. I used it in r20 with different plug ins but in r21 it seems to not work anymore as Maxon changed something to the plug in core I think. Does it work on your workstation?
Sprache erkennenAfrikaansAlbanischAmharischArabischArmenischAserbaidschanischBaskischBengalischBirmanischBosnischBulgarischCebuanoChichewaChinesisch tradChinesisch verDänischDeutschEnglischEsperantoEstnischFilipinoFinnischFranzösischFriesischGalizischGeorgischGriechischGujaratiHaitianischHausaHawaiischHebräischHindiHmongIgboIndonesischIrischIsländischItalienischJapanischJavanesischJiddischKannadaKasachischKatalanischKhmerKirgisischKoreanischKorsischKroatischKurdischLaoLateinishLettischLitauischLuxemburgischMalagasyMalayalamMalaysischMaltesischMaoriMarathiMazedonischMongolischNepalesischNiederländischNorwegischPaschtuPersischPolnischPortugiesischPunjabiRumänischRussischSamoanischSchottisch-GälischSchwedischSerbischSesothoShonaSindhiSinghalesischSlowakischSlowenischSomaliSpanischSuaheliSundanesischTadschikischTamilTeluguThailändischTschechischTürkischUkrainischUngarischUrduUzbekischVietnamesischWalisischWeißrussischXhosaYorubaZulu
Doesn't work for me. I used it in r20 with different plug ins but in r21 it seems to not work anymore as Maxon changed something to the plug in core I think. Does it work on your workstation?
Seems Insydium is working on a R21 version which is due out soon.
This plug-in is horrible. I've had it for a couple years now, and I use it occasionally. But every single time, it crashes AE in the middle of the project. AE has such a hard time with this plug-in and it's really just not user-friendly. I would strongly urge you to do hand-drawn animation in Photoshop or another program. I'm telling you -- you will regret this purchase eventually. Just read the other comments below...
Trying out the free version before i purchase, a grid line appears so as i start "paint and stick" and i can't get it out... please help out
That is the trial watermark
you do not understand.
I can't edit anything my video doesn't show
Please help
open a support ticket and include as many details as possible including screenshots so we are beat able to assist you
This plug-in is horrible. I've had it for a couple years now, and I use it occasionally. But every single time, it crashes AE in the middle of the project. AE has such a hard time with this plug-in and it's really just not user-friendly. I would strongly urge you to do hand-drawn animation in Photoshop or another program. I'm telling you -- you will regret this purchase eventually. Just read the other comments below...
Please make sure you are using the latest version and please open a support ticket if you need assistance as we can't provide tech support here.
1) How do I go about downloading the latest version if I’ve already purchased a much older one
2) What were the issue about the PS Brush Exporter that necessitated the update in 2.1.2a?
Because in some project, Files can take looooots of memory on the computer.
I just want to know how to draw a straight line because when i hold shift it suggests a capture screen as paint.
(macOS High-Sierra 10.13.6 / After Effects 16.1.1)
please open a support ticket
Paint & Stick Product Manager
Paint & Stick Product Manager
Paint & Stick Product Manager
You can also stamp the brush one time in After Effects, manipulate it in After Effects, then with Paint & Stick selected, press CTRL(CMD on Mac) + SHIFT + ALT + click. This will screen capture the brush while hovering over the altered version. This will screen capture from within a square, and save it to disk as a new brush. This isn't exactly what you wanted, but is an easy workaround to modify your brushes with tools you already have.
Paint & Stick Product Manager
Paint & Stick Product Manager
That is the trial watermark
open a support ticket and include as many details as possible including screenshots so we are beat able to assist you
2) What were the issue about the PS Brush Exporter that necessitated the update in 2.1.2a?
You need to use the plugin bridge:
Paint & Stick Product Manager