• For everyone who is a big fan of this plugin but couldn't get it to work, we are on the same boat. The author of this amazing plugin is MIA for 4 years at least. His forum stopped at somewhere 6 years ago. But I'm still using it on daily basis.

    Here is what I do:

    #1, stay with AE version v23.6.2, aka AE "2023 Long Term Supported". That's the LAST version before AE 2024.
    #2, if your plugin causes AE to crash, AE 23.6.2 will ask you whether you want to disable this "effect". You can choose yes to disable, then restart, go to AE effect manager to re-enable it, this does the trick most of the time. If not, clearing all cache might also help.
    #3, if you want, you can open a ticket here, https://aescripts.com/contact/. The more people complain, the more likely aescripts will have to respond. I submitted a ticket. Would you?

    I have been using it for a while without many hiccups. Hope it helps.

    What a wonderful plugin. So sad it ended like this.

    If you guys AE particle fans or other particle simulation fans like to hang out somewhere, maybe we can meet on discord. I just created a new one, right now there's nothing there, but you are more than welcome to hangout and post your work and make some friends. Maybe we can talk about what particle software we should use to replace stardust in AE. Right now I am leaning more towards UE Niagara, EmberGen, TyFlow. But honestly none of them are really designed for motion graphics. What do you think?
  • Onyx Lee said:
    For everyone who is a big fan of this plugin but couldn't get it to work, we are on the same boat. The author of this amazing plugin is MIA for 4 years at least. His forum stopped at somewhere 6 years ago. But I'm still using it on daily basis.

    Here is what I do:

    #1, stay with AE version v23.6.2, aka AE "2023 Long Term Supported". That's the LAST version before AE 2024.
    #2, if your plugin causes AE to crash, AE 23.6.2 will ask you whether you want to disable this "effect". You can choose yes to disable, then restart, go to AE effect manager to re-enable it, this does the trick most of the time. If not, clearing all cache might also help.
    #3, if you want, you can open a ticket here, https://aescripts.com/contact/. The more people complain, the more likely aescripts will have to respond. I submitted a ticket. Would you?

    I have been using it for a while without many hiccups. Hope it helps.

    What a wonderful plugin. So sad it ended like this.

    If you guys AE particle fans or other particle simulation fans like to hang out somewhere, maybe we can meet on discord. I just created a new one, right now there's nothing there, but you are more than welcome to hangout and post your work and make some friends. Maybe we can talk about what particle software we should use to replace stardust in AE. Right now I am leaning more towards UE Niagara, EmberGen, TyFlow. But honestly none of them are really designed for motion graphics. What do you think?

    I have an open ticket since Dec 20, 2022 about a 100% reproducible crash. Tried different versions, without other plugins and scripts. deleted the cache.
    Nothing helped. After moving to a new PC and setting everything frehsly up, the issue disappeared for a while. But resurfaced with 100% reproduction after a couple of sessions.
    I took a video of the issue: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XoyhHHCdE16DGeb2jR2H8v1i_BKsl_qq/view
    Now I have been waiting for any answer since May 2023.
    This is absolutely unacceptable. 
    Maybe anyone here has any idea how to solve the issue?

  • Is there a way where I can rotate the Emitter? I have tried to change the y angle but it seems to have no effect.  I am essentialy using the plaknton preset, but I want it to rotate or twirl.
  • Onyx Lee said:
    For everyone who is a big fan of this plugin but couldn't get it to work, we are on the same boat. The author of this amazing plugin is MIA for 4 years at least. His forum stopped at somewhere 6 years ago. But I'm still using it on daily basis.
    Aharon Shiker, the dev of Stardust, is also the dev of HeliumX, where they seem to be pretty active. So it's really really disrespectful of them to be ignoring everyone crying out for an update about Stardust support for AE 2024. Just an acknowledgement from them that we're being listened to would be good.
  • Guys, There are numerous requests to ask how to rotate the emitter. using the angle parameters

    Subiksha Krishniah - 2 posts below - Is there a way where I can rotate the Emitter? 
    Cutman Cutman - December 2017 - In "Emitter" node keyframes for "Angle" properties don't work 

    Also in Presets / Nodes / Misc / Bi-Directional Emitter - the preset preview image has a twisting particle simulation
    however when applied there is no rotation displayed. The Angle z is keyframed on the emitter.

    I am aware there is no support at the moment for this product. I was wondering if anyone in the community solved this? Any Stardust experts know that is happening here. 

    I did come up with a workaround

    For a single-direction emitter, create a spotlight, switch the emitter type to light, and adjust its rotation and position using the transform properties.

    For a bi-directional emitter, I created two spotlights and a null, parenting the spotlights to the null (set to 3D) and positioning them back-to-back. Selecting light as the emitter type, this setup achieves a twirling particle effect when animating the z-axis of the null.

    Although not ideal since keyframing the angle in Stardust should suffice, this method is effective for those determined to make it work. I'll share updates if I discover more.
  • i need 2024 version NOW!
  • i need 2024 version NOW!
    The 2024 version is available! Please see the faq on how to install it:
  • i want my money back!
  • i want my money back!
    You can review our refund policy here: https://aescripts.com/terms/#refunds

    If you have a technical or customer support issue, please open a support ticket.
  • and now after effects 2024 didn't work any more. 
    It works fine in 2024, please see the faq: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/stardust-faq/

  • How long does it take to make a installer??

    i dont hva previous files and i need it NOW!!!
  • How long does it take to make a installer??

    i dont hva previous files and i need it NOW!!!
    There is an installer for 2024! Please see the faq for details: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/stardust-faq/
  • Is there any way to install AE 2023 and then install stardust and then move the files to 2024, other than the hassle of installing stardust and then moving the files to 2024, is there any installer that will work on 2024 now? I'm hoping you guys will update the installer since it's March. It shouldn't be hard, right? I paid a lot of money for this plugin.
  • Is there any way to install AE 2023 and then install stardust and then move the files to 2024, other than the hassle of installing stardust and then moving the files to 2024, is there any installer that will work on 2024 now? I'm hoping you guys will update the installer since it's March. It shouldn't be hard, right? I paid a lot of money for this plugin.

    There is an installer for 2024! Please see the faq for details: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/stardust-faq/
  • I opened a ticket and got no answer, so I'm posting here. It's not right that I have to ask for the installer in a support ticket. It's not like the plugin is not functional in 2024, but it's not a good follow-up to not release the installer for almost half a year. Is it that hard, is it too much to ask? I paid $249 for a plugin. i don't wanna update its functionality but just install it
  • Guys, after testing all the After Effects versions, I found the best version to run the last version of Stardust is AE 23.4, this is the most stable version so far.

    I don't know why it doesn't work when I followed the author's instruction in FAQ. So I will stick with AE 23.4 for now. Until I get enough money to buy Helium some day.

    Good luck.
  • I opened a ticket and got no answer, so I'm posting here. It's not right that I have to ask for the installer in a support ticket. It's not like the plugin is not functional in 2024, but it's not a good follow-up to not release the installer for almost half a year. Is it that hard, is it too much to ask? I paid $249 for a plugin. i don't wanna update its functionality but just install it
    We answered your ticket the same day you opened it and provided you with a method to install in 2024.
  • How in the world is a functional installer not standard for this.
  • How in the world is a functional installer not standard for this.

    it's very easy to install in 2024 please see faq: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/stardust-faq/
  • How in the world is a functional installer not standard for this.

    it's very easy to install in 2024 please see faq: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/stardust-faq/
    I don't think asking users to re-install an old version of AE just to run your plugin is acceptable. Please fix your installer.
  • How in the world is a functional installer not standard for this.

    it's very easy to install in 2024 please see faq: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/stardust-faq/
    I don't think asking users to re-install an old version of AE just to run your plugin is acceptable. Please fix your installer.

    you don't need to reinstall an old version of After effects, you can install directly to 2024.
  • If you don't have 2023 installed, then you can't install this, that's really silly.

    My guess is that Adobe is trying to integrate or own this.  That stops developers in their tracks... seen it  100x before. Do whatever your gonna do but hurry up.

  • If you don't have 2023 installed, then you can't install this, that's really silly.

    My guess is that Adobe is trying to integrate or own this.  That stops developers in their tracks... seen it  100x before. Do whatever your gonna do but hurry up.

    you don't have to have 2023 installed. Please see the FAQ on how to request an installer: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/stardust-faq/
  • Alas still no support for 2024....version 2025 will be out soon. Alas I have fresh insatll so no previous version install available
  • Alas still no support for 2024....version 2025 will be out soon. Alas I have fresh insatll so no previous version install available

    Version 1.6.0c has support for 2024. Please  refer  to  the  FAQ  on  how  to  download  items: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/how-to-download-items/
  • The latest version of Stardust_macOS_v1.6.0c does not show an AE 2024 checkbox and won't install in either manual or AEscripts Product Manager.. Please advise.
  • The latest version of Stardust_macOS_v1.6.0c does not show an AE 2024 checkbox and won't install in either manual or aescripts Product Manager.. Please advise.

    In the aescripts + aeplugins manager app (https://aescripts.com/learn/aescripts-aeplugins-manager-app/), Please right-click and select 'Custom Installation' and make sure you are installing into the same version of After Effects that you are using. Please restart after installing.

    if you need further assistance, please open a  Support ticket: https://aescripts.com/contact/?direct=1
  • I've looked through the docs and can't find an answer. I was wondering if there is any way to automatically set the colours of particles that are emitted from Lights to match the source colour of the lights? This is the default behaviour in Trapcode Particular and it's quite handy - if you need multi-coloured particle emitters.   It would be even more awesome if the volumetric renderer could use particle colour information to create blended volumes too (though I can imagine that's pretty complex to do!)
  • Stardust trial doesn't work in AE 2024, any solution? 
  • After effects is getting crash while opening Stardust trail version in any version. I tried in multiple version like after effects 2023, 2020, 2018, Crashes!!!
  • The installer doesn't work in AE 2024. Description only mentions Apple M1 chip, we're at M4. No feature update for about 4 years.
  • The installer doesn't work in AE 2024. Description only mentions Apple M1 chip, we're at M4. No feature update for about 4 years.

    The installer does work for 2024. and M1 and M4 are the same Apple Silicon platform so compatibility as the same.

    please see the FAQ for installer details and open a support ticket if you need assistance: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/stardust-faq/

  • Yes Ae2024 on PC all works brilliant
  • I've looked through the docs and can't find an answer. I was wondering if there is any way to automatically set the colours of particles that are emitted from Lights to match the source colour of the lights? This is the default behaviour in Trapcode Particular and it's quite handy - if you need multi-coloured particle emitters.
    Hi Dan,

    In the Particle Node / Particle Properties / Particle Color setting, select "From Source" and the particles will inherit the light(s) color(s).

    JM @particle.overflow

  • The installer doesn't work in AE 2024. Description only mentions Apple M1 chip, we're at M4. No feature update for about 4 years.

    The installer does work for 2024. and M1 and M4 are the same Apple Silicon platform so compatibility as the same.

    please see the FAQ for installer details and open a support ticket if you need assistance: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/stardust-faq/

    Unfortunately After effects crashes when opening stardust. Tried different After effects versions.
  • The installer for PC 2024 does not work - and I can't download the previous version. Can this please be addressed?
  • The installer for PC 2024 does not work - and I can't download the previous version. Can this please be addressed?

    please see the FAQ for installer details and open a support ticket if you need assistance:

  • Hello,from Japan
    I like it so much that I use Stardust every time I work with it.

    I have one request.
    I would be very happy if Stardust could support multi-frame rendering!

    This plugin has always helped me.
    Thank you.
  • Hello, on my macbook, registration asks for a verification number, besides the license number. Where do i find that?
  • Hello, on my macbook, registration asks for a verification number, besides the license number. Where do i find that?
  • Hi there. I managed to manually get Stardust installed on my new laptop. I currently have a single license and it is running on my old PC. How do I transfer the license to the new laptop please? Do I need to uninstall it off of the old PC first?
  • Hi there. I managed to manually get Stardust installed on my new laptop. I currently have a single license and it is running on my old PC. How do I transfer the license to the new laptop please? Do I need to uninstall it off of the old PC first?

    You just need to enter you license on the new machine. If you are having issues please see the faq: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/stardust-faq/
  • Hello.
    Is there a licensing issue with commercial use of the stardust plug-in in a company where individuals buy and work?
  • LEE MEURA said:
    Is there a licensing issue with commercial use of the stardust plug-in in a company where individuals buy and work?
    No, you can use the plugin for any type of work. You can review the full license terms by clicking on the 'License Terms' link directly under the price on the product page: https://aescripts.com/stardust
  • Yes Ae2024 on PC all works brilliant