Learn how to setup spinners and switches using Newton and Rift for use in pinball machines or marble run simulations!

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Author Notes

Jason contacted us asking this:

"I'm creating a marble run scene using Newton 3 in AE. I've seen an example of what I'm after, but can't seem to figure out how to make it nor can I find any assistance online for my problem. I want a marble to interact with 'spinners' as per the video link below :


I'd also like the 'marbles' to interact with a 'switch' when they land. See video below:


Are these scenarios workable in Newton please? If so, how should I be setting these up? Please refer to the image attached as reference.

Kind regards,



Here's our answer... :)

 I'll show you how to quickly set up a simple simulation in Adobe After Effects, send it to Newton3, use fixed objects to only rotate switch and spinners, tweak your scene to have the best result.  



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