Compatibility After Effects Please check exact version compatibility under the "COMPATIBILITY" tab below
Provides methods to shift, sequence, stagger, or randomize layers properties like in and out points, keyframes, markers and more, presented in a compact UI.
Some main features Rift provides:
- Move multiple different properties (in & out points, source start, markers, keyframes) independently of each other.
- Affect properties and keyframes before, after or in range of the scrubber location.
- Shift with relative or absolute values.
- Sequence over a specified time using linear, ease in, ease out, ease both. Affect the strength of non linear eases using the expo field.
- Stagger by a given offset.
- Randomize with a range.
- Smart input fields accept values such as: 1s, 1f, 1m, 1h, 1ms and converts accordingly. Default unit is seconds.
Thanks to Gerald Mark Soto and Paul Slemmer for feedback. Please don't hesitate to suggest new features.
After Effects | CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4 |
1.4.2 (Current version) - Dec 27, 2013
Bug Fixes
- 1.4 - Dec 2013
- Improved interface by clearly showing what elements are currently affected.
- Added Quantizing feature. A.k.a "snap to frames".
- Fixed issue with markers not always moving when selected.
- Fixed layer in point sometimes being switched with layer source point.
- 1.3 - Jun 2013
- Added Key Align panel. Move keyframes as a group to either the scrubber, layer in/out points, or other keyframes.
- Added affect scrubber. Only applies when shifting.
- Added subtract button for negative shifting in place of invert button.
- Added Configure UI panel to help optimize vertical space.
- Removed Flip Negative In/Out checkbox. Always assumes to flip.
- Removed Default unit dropdown. Default is always seconds.
- Arrange properties by selecting only one layer and then selecting the desired properties.
- Condensed Stagger and Sequence panels into Arrage panel with dropdown to select mode.
- Fixed range not being enabled when its checkbox was set.
- Using Mersenne Twister for better random number.
- Refocus to active comp after operation for CS6 and above.
- Improved number input handling.
- Fixed time remap keys being delete.
- Fixed dropdowns not showing values in CS4.
- Fixed font issue.
- 1.2 - Feb 2013
- Fixed Separated Dimension keys disappearing when operated on.
- Fixed random issue with interface showing up as a white panel and freezing.
- 1.1 - Jan 2013
- Added most easing equations to sequence instead of just Expo. Requested by Riccardo Albertini.
- Renamed some conflicting core functions that might have been causing issues with other scripts.
- 1.0 - Initial release - Dec 2012