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Compatibility After Effects Please check exact version compatibility under the "COMPATIBILITY" tab below
Author: nab

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CloseSequences the selected layers from the current composition time, by offsetting their inpoint.
After Effects | 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 |
2.6 (Current version) - Mar 13, 2014
- 2.6 - CC compatibility - Mar 2014
- 2.5 - Added CS6 Compatibility - Dec 2012
- 2.2 - Fixed foreign language compatibility with CS5.5 - Nov 2011
- 2.1 - Code cleanup, CS5 compatibility (Aug 2010)
- 2.0 - Initial release on aescripts.com (Aug 2009)
Lloyd Alvarez
- Compatibility After Effects
Duplicates the selected layers and if any of the layers have expressions referencing any of the layers being duplicated it will update the expressions to point to the newly duplicated layers. Might make more sense if you watch the demo :-)Add to Cart -
BAO Plugins
- Compatibility After Effects
BAO Distortion Bundle
Get all of BAO's distortion plugins and save 25%. Use BAO Boa to distort layers along mask paths, BAO Layer Sculptor to warp and sculpt layers with extreme precision and BAO Joint to connect and distort a layer between 2 different parents.
Lloyd Alvarez
- Compatibility After Effects
AE Global Renamer 2
Bulk rename anything in After Effects. Completely rewritten with lots more functionality and a super tiny UI!
Victoria Nece
- Compatibility After Effects
Take This
Store and swap layer transforms and expressions.Add to Cart -
Plugin Play
- Compatibility After Effects
Lazy 2
Lazy 2 brings two new dimensions of easing to After Effects. Easily distribute your layers and keyframes across your After Effects timeline along an adjustable bezier curve!
Ryan Ragle
- Compatibility After Effects
Set Render Queue Time Span
Set start and end times for render queue itemsAdd to Cart
- Compatibility After Effects
Allows you to reposition the anchor point of the selected layers around the layer edges while keeping the layers at the same position in the comp window.Add to Cart$9.99 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Creates a proxy for each selected project item (footage or comp)Add to Cart$19.99 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Provides a tool box for visualizing positional data. Indispensable if you do any kind of serious tracking in After EffectsAdd to Cart$29.99 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Creates a 3D box, a 3D sphere, a 3D cylinder, a 3D pyramid, a 3D menger sponge, a 3D Platonic Solid and even 3D falling dominoes with user-defined layers.Add to Cart$29.99 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Reverses the direction of the selected masks.Add to Cart$9.99 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Places the masks of the selected layer on individual layers.Add to Cart$14.99