Skin Retouch

  • Compatibility After Effects
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Quick Overview

Easy beauty retouching - smooth the skin but preserve the fine details of the skin texture.

Skin Retouch@2x

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Most simple skin smoothing methods have the problem that they eliminate all the details of the skin. Skin Retouch offers an easy and powerful solution for avoiding this: blur the skin, but preserve the details! Skin Retouch is also useful for wrinkle removal and other beauty retouch tasks.

Skin Retouch before after

How it works

Skin Retouch UI

Skin Retouch uses a technique with the somewhat scary name of frequency separation, which is commonly used for beauty retouching in Photoshop. Skin Retouch brings this technique to After Effects as a one-click action. Its main application is to smooth the skin while preserving the details, but it's also useful for removing wrinkles and other beauty retouch tasks.

The skin smoothing workflow

skin smoothing workflow

The basic idea of frequency separation is to split the image into two components:

  • the high frequencies - a high-pass filter representing the skin details
  • the low frequencies - all the remaining image information
Instead of blurring the entire image (which would destroy all the details of the skin), we only blur the low frequencies. Finally, the blurred low frequencies are combined once more with the skin details to obtain the end result.

The wrinkle removal workflow

wrinkle remove workflow

One great feature of frequency separation is that it is not limited to blurring - The high and low frequencies are normal After Effects layers, so you can modify them however you like! Want to remove some wrinkles? Instead of using the clone stamp tool on the original footage, just use the clone stamp tool on the skin details layer. This way you only remove what you really want to remove and leave the skin tone, shadows and everything else untouched.

remove wrinkles Wrinkles can easily be painted out with the clone stamp tool.
Since we are painting on the skin details layer only (right part of the image),
the skin tone, shadows and everything else is preserved.

Thank You!

The mamoworld team wants to say thank you to all of you - the great After Effects community! Thanks to all of you, we can do the job we love and develop products that we are excited about. To show our appreciation, Skin Retouch is available for free.

If you want to support our work, you can of course still donate something for Skin Retouch or buy some of our other products.

Skin Retouch Videos

After Effects 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5
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