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- SkyBox 360 Post FX 2
SkyBox 360 Post FX 2
Compatibility After Effects Please check exact version compatibility under the "COMPATIBILITY" tab below
Author: Mettle

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CloseMettle Skybox Suite of plugins will be exclusively available as part of the Creative Cloud membership. Adobe is targeting to release the integrated functionality before the end of the year. You can expect to hear and see lots of exciting news before the end of the year.
Click here for more details
Four seamless 360 FX for creating 360/VR Video:
360° Digital Glitch, Chromatic Abberations, Fractal Noise, Color Gradients.
- Stylization FX - first of its kind for 360 video.
- Designed to work with 360 footage
- Drag-and-drop
- Fully Customisable
- After Effects CS6 +
Each Effect has multiple features to customize and create an endless variety, designed specifically for 360 footage. .
Buy the SkyBox Suite Bundle and save 50%
Supports Equirectangular format, mono 2:1 or Stereo 1:1 over-under.
Fully functional with SkyBox Studio V2 and Post FX 1
See more tutorial videos under the VIDEOS tab above
After Effects | CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 |
1.73 (Current version) - Apr 24, 2017
* Suite SKU support added
* Fixed NVIDIA/Yosemite configuration support
1.7 - Apr 4, 2017
BatchFrame Software
- Compatibility After Effects
Pseudo Effect Maker 3
The simplest way to create custom effect controls in After Effects
Plugin Play
- Compatibility After Effects
Depth Mosh Bundle
Get Datamosh 2 and Depth Scanner! This bundle brings a knockout combo when using Depth Scanner's depth maps with Datamosh 2's new Mosh Map feature. Your shot at 3d Datamoshing.
Regular Price: $150.00
Special Price: $112.50
BGRA Entertainment
- Compatibility After Effects
L4tt3rM4pp3r (Lettermapper) is a textmode and ASCII art video mapping plugin for After Effects. L3tt3rM4pp3r2 includes a reworked UI and textmode presets.
- Compatibility After Effects
GifGun 2
One-click animated GIFs in After Effects. It's version 2, so it's better! New: Alpha Matte for GIF
Mister Horse
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Premiere
2D Special Effects
This product has been discontinued. You can now purchase all Mister Horse products through a single subscription plan. -
Pixel Sorter Studio
- Compatibility Davinci Resolve
Pixel Sorter for Resolve
Pixel Sorter was the first tool to bring the pixel sorting glitch effect available for motion designers and video editors within After Effects and Premiere Pro. Experimenting with Pixel Sorting just became so much easier! Since its launch, AEPS had a huge success in Broadcast TV, Live performances, VJs, Music Videos, Video Games, Photography and even Apparel! Version 3 brings a lot of new useful features.
Pixel Sorter is also available for After Effects & Premiere Pro and Nuke as a separate license.
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Premiere
Mettle Super Suite
Get all the Mettle plugins and save: Mettle Flux, Mantra V2 and Freeform Pro
Suite price: $499 Bought separately: $657 Save $158
Regular Price: $657.00
Special Price: $498.99
- Compatibility After Effects
FreeForm Pro
Pro-Level 3D Mesh Warp Plug-in for After Effects. Use with GEOlayers to create 3D terrains based on real data. Purchase them together and save 25%Add to Cart
$199.00 -
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Premiere
Mettle Flux
3D Volumetric Fractal Flames. Create beautiful backgrounds, Nebulas and sci-fi fx, in traditional and 360/VR formats.
$229.00 -
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Premiere
Mantra V2
Step into AR Content Creation in After Effects and Premiere Pro. Includes 360/VR VFX to stlylize footage