Isometric Rigger

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Quick Overview

Constrain movement in isometric 2D space. Create simple animations or even exploded isometrics easily.

Isometric Rigger


Ever needed to animate isometric illustrations along a particular axis?

If that's your case, you might have found it a bit tedious to keep control of the alignment between different layers. If it's not your case, tell me your secret!

While playing around with some expressions I created a way to simplify this process. It's a simple script that lets you constrain movement in the 3 axes of the isometric drawing.

Just import your illustrations, select the layers you want to animate, click the "Rig" button and that's it, you get 3 sliders to control the position in the X, Y and Z axes in isometric 2D space for each layer. 


Promotional video



See it in action (from 08:10)




If you find this script useful for your workflow and want to contribute, you can name your own price. This is my first script and I value all the support that you could give me financially or through feedback so I can improve over time.



  1. Copy the included Isometric Rigger.jsx file to:
    \Program Files\Adobe\[YOUR ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS VERSION]\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels
    /Applications/[YOUR ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS VERSION]/Scripts/ScriptUI Panels
  2. Restart After Effects if it's already running
  3. Go to the Window menu and select Isometric Rigger
  4. Dock the panel wherever you like
  5. Select a layer (or multiple layers) and click on the Rig button
  6. Aaand that's it, have fun!

I have only tested it in After Effects CC on my PC, but it should also work on MAC and be compatible with After Effects CS6 and previous CC versions.


The script doesn't currently work with layers with separate dimensions (Position X and Y). Make sure to have a single Position property in the layer you are trying to apply the script to before pressing the Rig button. 


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Alejandro Sanclemente

After Effects 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6