
  • Compatibility After Effects
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Author: Automotion

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Quick Overview

The handy panel for looping keyframes, paths, pre-comps and footage.

Loopy - Panel v1.2

  1. Set 'Cycle' loop
    (Alt-click: Apply Time Remap without expression)
  2. Set 'Ping Pong' loop
  3. Set 'Offset' loop
  4. Set 'Continue' loop
  5. See options and user guide
  1. Change loop direction
  2. Limit keyframe modifier to existing keyframes
  3. Set keyframe modifier
  4. Retain existing expression on property

Loop Type

Choose between ‘Cycle’, ‘Ping Pong’, ‘Offset’ and ‘Continue’ modes.

Loop Keyframes

Limit loops to specific keyframes.

Loop Direction

Easily loopIn, loopOut or both together!

Looping audio visual footage?

No more of the Time Remapping dance, where you have to create, delete and move keyframes to get it to loop. Simply trim your layer and apply!

Looping Audio Visual Footage

Lots to loop?

You can add loops to multiple properties on multiple layers, or to layers themselves, with one click – even if they’re different types!

Lots to Loop

KBar support

Launch the Loopy panel, apply ‘Cycle’, ‘Ping Pong’, ‘Offset’ or ‘Continue’ loops, change the loop direction, or apply a trimmed Time Remap from your custom toolbar.

Product download includes KBar icons, and an importable KBar file (compatible with KBar 3).

Loopy - KBar Panel v1.2

New in v1.1

Shortcut to apply Time Remap to trimmed layers, without applying a loop expression!

After Effects 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
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    • Compatibility After Effects


    The ultimate toolset for marker manipulation – move, copy, cut, paste and delete markers, save and apply work area settings, and use markers to trigger animation on keyframed properties.
    NEW: KBar support, and updated UI!

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