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Compatibility After Effects Please check exact version compatibility under the "COMPATIBILITY" tab below
Author: nab

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CloseReverses the direction of the selected masks.
After Effects | 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 |
3.3 (Current version) - Aug 27, 2015
. CC 2015 compatibility
- 3.2 Added CS6 Compatibility - Dec 2012
- 3.1 Fixed foreign language compatibility with CS5.5 - Nov 2011
- 3.0 Now handles tangents properly, CS5 compatibility (Aug 2010)
- 2.5 Initial release on aescripts.com (Aug 2009)
- Compatibility After Effects
Auto Audio Mixer
Mixes all audio layers of the active composition
Fabian Morón Zirfas
- Compatibility After Effects
Monoline Text
Monoline Text creates text from a single stroke vector set as mask on solids, shape layers or motionpaths. You can have all on one single layer, separate it by line or have every character as an individual layer.Add to Cart -
BAO Plugins
- Compatibility After Effects
BAO Distortion Bundle
Get all of BAO's distortion plugins and save 25%. Use BAO Boa to distort layers along mask paths, BAO Layer Sculptor to warp and sculpt layers with extreme precision and BAO Joint to connect and distort a layer between 2 different parents.
Motion Design School
- Compatibility After Effects
YaroFlasher Super Bundle
Get two awesome tools for making trail animations and save 30%!
- Compatibility After Effects
Advanced Mask Editor 2
Advanced mask editing toolkit for After Effects.
- Compatibility After Effects
Speed Lines
The fastest way to attach strokes to your animated object.
- Compatibility After Effects
Creates a 3D box, a 3D sphere, a 3D cylinder, a 3D pyramid, a 3D menger sponge, a 3D Platonic Solid and even 3D falling dominoes with user-defined layers.Add to Cart$29.99 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Sequences the selected layers from the current composition time, by offsetting their inpoint.Add to Cart$9.99 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Places the masks of the selected layer on individual layers.Add to Cart$14.99 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Allows you to simplify the selected masks by removing the least important vertices. For instance, it can be used for smoothing a path generated by the built-in Auto-trace command.Add to Cart$14.99 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Allows you to speed up or slow down a video according to an Audio Amplitude layer.Add to Cart$19.99 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Translates expression control names according to the language of the running version.Add to Cart$9.99