Timeremap Source

  • Compatibility After Effects
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Quick Overview

Keep your compositions clean by stacking and precomposing multiple layers. Make them accessible via an expression slider.

Timeremap Source


Takes the selected layers, sequences them with a frame offset of 1 frame. Then they get precomposed. It activates the 'Time Remap' property and adds an expression to it.

This expression is bound to slider. With this slider you can now switch the displayed layer. The benefit of this is keeping your composition tidy. You can have hundred of layers in a precomp and just select the one you need to be displayed at a certain point of time.

Also you can add more layers to that precomp and the expression will be aware of that. It takes the number of layers to set the range of the slider.

That means:

  • The slider named 'viewControl' sets the framenumber from the precomp
  • The range corresponds to the number of layers within the precomp
After Effects CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4
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