Pixy Halftone

  • Compatibility After Effects
    Please check exact version compatibility under the "COMPATIBILITY" tab below

Author: Animation Gym

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Quick Overview

Pixy Halftone is a simple and easy After Effects Pixelated halftone effect plugin. Add vintage retro style to any animation video text or anything else. Pixy can also handle alpha very well and that's very interesting :)

Important: Not compatible with Apple Silicon chips

Alpha Halftone

Pixy effect generates alpha based on the luminosity so you can easily composite multiple layers over and over ,
here is one for the highlights and another one for the shadows etc .

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Random Chaos

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Simple Controls

Control the size and color of the shape the space between shapes or even contrast in size and opacity of the shapes , you can also use the original layer colors and make every shape pick one color from the original layer colors .

Invert the used shade to get the effect you want , you can half tone the shadow ,highlight or the mid tone , you can also contrast their value .

Original image color

Using the original image colors to generate a retro game style , or playing with the shapes option get more like comic crazy style al done in real time and with a single click .

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Quick Overview

After Effects 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014
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    Animation Gym

    • Compatibility Premiere

    Silence Remover

    New remove the silence directly feature and more. Isolates any silence gaps in your footage in Adobe Premiere Pro. Automate the most annoying part of your editing workflow!

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