
  • Compatibility After Effects
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Author: Ben Rollason

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Quick Overview

Creates a 3D environment for your After Effects compositions at the touch of a button. The environment then responds to your camera's position, orientation, rotation and lens properties.


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Skydome creates a 3D environment for your After Effects compositions at the touch of a button. The environment then responds to your camera's position, orientation, rotation and lens properties.

With your composition selected, simply run the script. A background composition is created with a default pattern inside. Simply drop an HDRI image or any other material into this composition and it will become the environment for your After Effects comp.

Install this script in the Scripts folder. It does not have a dockable UI.

After Effects 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4
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    Ben Rollason

    • Compatibility After Effects

    3D Extruder

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    3D Extruder is now compatible with CS6 and above!

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  • Illumination

    Ben Rollason

    • Compatibility After Effects


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  • Projection

    Ben Rollason

    • Compatibility After Effects


    This product has been discontinued. Please use Projection 3D instead

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  • Smart Precomposer

    Ben Rollason

    • Compatibility After Effects

    Smart Precomposer

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