Smart Posterizer

  • Compatibility After Effects
    Please check exact version compatibility under the "COMPATIBILITY" tab below

Author: Ian Pinder

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Quick Overview

Automatically detects visual change in animation and uses it to control time posterization on other properties.

Scans AE layers (precomps, Shapes, swf, png, mov, etc.) and matches the frame-rate to any keyframed property in your comp

NEW IN v2.1: Added beta functionality to automatically pin textures to moving objects in rendered animation (with squash/stretch).

This allows you to move your textures (or anything else) with your animated renders from other software without manually adding position keyframes

Before and After



Scanning Example

Analyze Source

Scan your source footage and posterize any keyframed property including effects to match it.
Posterize Properties

Posterize Properties

Smarter than the Posterize Time effect as it posterizes layers and properties to exactly match the source as opposed to being a fixed rate.
Bake Expressions

One-Click Bake to Keyframes

Bake posterization expressions to keyframes across all layers in the comp, without affecting other expressions on your layers.

Preset Frame-Rate Layers

Create editable presets to posterize properties on 2s, 3s and 4s…
Remove Expressions

Expression Cleanup

Remove expressions on selected properties in one click.



  • Simply copy the ‘SmartPosterizer_v2.0.jsxbin’ file into your ScriptUI Panels folder…
    • MAC: /Applications/Adobe After Effects <version>/Scripts/ScriptUI Panels
    • PC: Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects <version>\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels
  • The script is accessed through the ‘Window’ menu, as with all ScriptUI panels
  • NOTES:
  • Smart Posterizer can be run from the ‘Scripts’ menu with limited functionality. Layers and/or properties should be selected before running the script in this way.


  • CC2019 ONLY: There have been reports of crashing when using the ‘escape’ key during processing. Please avoid this until a fix is added.
  • There appears to be an issue with baking expressions to keyframes on shape layer path properties. This will be addressed in the next version.


  • Adaptive scanning to speed up processing
  • Direct function capability for KBar


After Effects CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014
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    Ian Pinder

    • Compatibility After Effects


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