The LoopMaker

  • Compatibility After Effects
    Please check exact version compatibility under the "COMPATIBILITY" tab below

Author: Lloyd Alvarez

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Quick Overview

Loops any layers, footage or comps with one click™

The LoopMaker

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Loop any layers, footage or comps with one click™

Will loop any amount of selected layers from the furthest in-point and the last out-point by pre-composing and doing a dissolving loop. It will then apply an expression to the looped comp so that it can be stretched infinitely from either the in or the out-point.

There is an option to use the Blend effect instead of using opacity to make the dissolve an optical dissolve.


  • Select the layers you want to loop.
  • Trim the in-point and out-point of the layers to where you would like the loop to be.
  • Run the script from the Window menu
  • Choose the dissolve length in frames
  • **Please note that you should use the Blend Effect option when looping items that are transparent

Localized in the following languages, (if you would like to contribute a translation please contact support):

After Effects 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015
  • Trim to Layer

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    • Compatibility After Effects

    Trim to Layer

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  • DuplicateLayers-n-UpdateExpressions

    Lloyd Alvarez

    • Compatibility After Effects


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  • Render Frame at Markers

    Lloyd Alvarez

    • Compatibility After Effects

    Render Frame at Markers

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  • Immigration

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    • Compatibility After Effects


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  • Reveal in Finder

    Lloyd Alvarez

    • Compatibility After Effects

    Reveal in Finder

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  • ExpressionUniversalizer 4

    Lloyd Alvarez

    • Compatibility After Effects

    ExpressionUniversalizer 4

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