Great character animation using RubberHose by Seth Eckert and Jeremy Booth at

Tools used

Author Notes

We were approached to help turn an infographic about Samsung's initiative to increase use of their technology in schools. Information was originally drafted to help teachers understand how these technology tools really help teaching their kids in the classroom.  We were given a script and brand guidelines and tasked with boards, illustrations, and animation.  Our biggest challenge was that we had 8 days to turn this guy around and it was quite the week.
We used After Effects and Adobe Illustrator for all of the artwork.  For the characters we got to use a beta of an upcoming script by & Adam Plouff called RubberHose.  This allowed us to quickly draft the hard parts of character animation into this piece with the tight turn around.  Can't say its the best character work we have done but we were excited we got it done in the time window.
Client: Samsung
Studio: The Furrow
Direction & Animation : Seth Eckert
Graphic Designer : Seth Eckert & Jeremy Booth


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