Trippy experimental video from Kevin McGloughlin
Author Notes
Tram Stop
First experiment in a series of self initiated works, entitled 'Cathemeral'.
The work aims to create a visualisation of the restlessness and confusion caused by anxiety and sleep deprivation.
Created by Kevin McGloughlin.
I intend to share more of these works in the future.
DJ Pangburn says nice things about the video below :)
Technical Details:
(Nerd Alert)
This video was shot from the back of a tram on a quiet Sunday evening / Sunday night in Poznan Poland.
The video and audio all come from the original footage shot.
The day time footage remains entirely in realtime (both video and audio),Though due to the fact that the trams were travelling at different speeds, the night time footage is time remapped to match the day time footage,thus effecting the audio to become distorted in parts.
There is no animation in this video whatsoever.
Though there are an extreme amount of time variations.
The main work was in stabilising and adjusting the scale of the some cases skewing and stretching to match the underlying video.( a pretty sacrificial compromise in terms of resolution.)
Though this is not a problem in the newer works.
The audio was an after thought which I hadn't planned for.
It seems to add an extra dimension but in no way was it intended to be melodic...funnily enough in parts it does seem a little musical.
I have been playing with ideas of 'simultaneous day and night' for a while now,I'll be sharing soon.(in some way or another)
The clip is partly inspired or influenced by my twin brother and artist Páraic McGloughlin.He generally works as a painter with oils,though he is currently working on a moving image project in which there is a segment where he photographs his travels down a country road throughout the seasons of the year,It's really awesome! When he publishes the video online I will be sure to post a link here!
We also hope to collaborate on a project in the near future.
If you would like to submit a piece for inclusion in our INSPIRATION category please submit it to us here or tag #aescripts on Instagram.