Super fun animation using Plexus and Newton by ConsequenceVideoDesigns. Includes free AE project download.

Tools used

Author Notes

This is just a “for fun” project, worked on in my spare time to sate my need to create something original. It’s not much, but I learned a few things and that’s really the ultimate goal. I originally was going to try to use just simple shapes and nothing else, but I decided it could really be enhanced with a little help fromPlexus and Newton 2.

Project Download

Also, because the goal is to learn something, I’m providing the After Effects project file for anyone that’s interested in picking it apart: Shapes

It’s a CC 2014.2 project file, so it’s not going to work with older versions. Also, the Plexus effect will (obviously) only work if you have it installed, but even if you don’t the rest of the project will work fine for you.


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